Author: Richard Auger

Should Pardons be replaced by “Record Suspensions”?

The federal Conservative government has recently announced legislation to eliminate pardons granted to criminals. If the bill, which was introduced on Tuesday, is passed, pardons would be eliminated and replaced with a more restrictive ‘record suspension.’ These record suspensions would be more difficult to obtain and would take longer to ...

By |May 15, 2010|Articles|0 Comments

Ottawa criminal defence lawyer – when you are arrested, you have rights

Most Ottawa residents know what Canada’s Charter of Rights of Freedoms is, but if you are ever placed under arrest, you might not know how it helps you. You are entitled to very important rights under the Charter; they are so important that if the police do not observe these ...

Will I Be Found Guilty of my Criminal Charges?

Whether or not you are found guilty at a trial will depend on whether the crown attorney can prove a guilty act and a guilty mind. In order to prove guilt, the crown must prove two parts for every criminal offence.  The crown must prove an act (actus reus) was ...

How to get Convicted of Your Criminal Charges

Charges can be dropped For most people, getting charged with a criminal offence is a nightmare.  All you want is for the charges to be dropped or withdrawn before a criminal trial is required.  No lawyer can guarantee that you will escape from the charges without a criminal record.  However, ...

White Collar Business and Corporate Crimes

Ottawa, Ontario criminal defence lawyer Richard Auger and his professional staff represent business clients in Ontario and nationwide facing criminal investigations in "white-collar" cases in the Ontario Court of Justice, the Ontario Superior Court and other provincial courts. What does that mean for you? Our lawyers regularly advise and represent ...

By |January 25, 2010|Impaired Driving Articles|0 Comments

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