Terrorism Law, Charges and Defence Lawyers in Canada: Some Helpful Facts

Criminal Defence » Terrorism » Terrorism Law, Charges and Defence Lawyers in Canada: Some Helpful Facts
By Published On: September 17, 2010

OTTAWA CRIMINAL DEFENCE LAWYER – With recent news headlines focusing on large-scale Ontario terrorism sweeps – and the bulk of those investigations focused on Ottawa – it’s a good time to learn some of the basics of Canadian terrorism law.

The Ottawa criminal defence lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth specialize in terrorism cases, and we’ve just uploaded a helpful new article on the subject: Terrorism Law in Canada and Understanding Terrorism Charges.

Now more than ever, this is a timely issue. New developments are surfacing in the recent “Operation Samosa” case, in which four Ontario residents – including Ottawa residents – were arrested for facilitating, participating, conspiring and possessing harmful property in connection with a terrorist activity.

As the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), the RCMP, and other investigative bodies become more focused on containing terrorist threats, there is also a growing need to defend those wrongfully accused. There are very specific guidelines constituting “terrorist activity” and “terrorist” group contained within the Criminal Code of Canada, and some of the activities constituting terrorism offences can be difficult to prove in court. You can find more information on terrorism charges and offences in our newest article, or have a look at the Criminal Code for yourself.

If you’ve been contacted by CSIS, the RCMP, or another government organization concerning your possible involvement with a terrorist group or activity, the first thing to do is contact an experienced defence lawyer who understands terrorism cases. For more information, don’t hesitate to contact an Ottawa criminal defence lawyer at Auger Hollingsworth by phone (613) 699-8192 or by email [email protected].

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