Fraud Articles

Criminal Defence » Fraud Articles

Bid Rigging Charges in Ottawa

The Competition Bureau charged fourteen people and seven Ottawa firms in a bid-rigging scheme to provide information-technology services for $67-million worth of federal contracts. The Bureau claims its investigation uncovered evidence that certain companies co-ordinated bids to win contracts and divide them up while shutting out other bidders. This is the ...

By |June 2, 2023|Fraud Articles|0 Comments

Ottawa Lawyer: My Bail Conditions Are Too Strict!

If you have been released on bail, you may have bail conditions to obey while you are released.  These conditions will be printed on the papers the police gave you when you were released from the police station or detention centre.  You should study these conditions and have them on ...

Charged with Fraud in Ontario?

Being charged with fraud can be an overwhelming, life-altering experience for you and your family. In most fraud cases, the potential consequences get more serious as the dollar values involved increase. Evidence of fraud can create a complicated paper or electronic trail that must be analyzed by legal experts, and ...

By |June 1, 2023|Fraud Articles|0 Comments

How Can I Improve my Sentence

Sometimes, no matter how good your criminal defence lawyer is, you end up with a finding of guilt or a plea of guilt and a sentencing hearing is required.    Sentencing in Ottawa is a very important part of your case and should not be treated as an afterthought. Building ...

What Should I do If I am Arrested by the Police?

As an Ottawa criminal defence lawyer, I am often asked what someone should do if he or she is arrested by the police in connection with a crime. If you are ever arrested by the police for a crime like fraud, tax evasion, assault, impaired driving or even homicide, the ...

Ottawa criminal defence lawyer – when you are arrested, you have rights

Most Ottawa residents know what Canada’s Charter of Rights of Freedoms is, but if you are ever placed under arrest, you might not know how it helps you. You are entitled to very important rights under the Charter; they are so important that if the police do not observe these ...

Will I Be Found Guilty of my Criminal Charges?

Whether or not you are found guilty at a trial will depend on whether the crown attorney can prove a guilty act and a guilty mind. In order to prove guilt, the crown must prove two parts for every criminal offence.  The crown must prove an act (actus reus) was ...

How to get Convicted of Your Criminal Charges

Charges can be dropped For most people, getting charged with a criminal offence is a nightmare.  All you want is for the charges to be dropped or withdrawn before a criminal trial is required.  No lawyer can guarantee that you will escape from the charges without a criminal record.  However, ...

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