Author: Richard Auger

What Defences Are Available to Me? – Defences Available When You’ve Been Charged With a Crime

When criminal matters are being talked about in the media common points of discussion are often bail hearings, guilt or innocence, prison sentences and other possible consequences.  Very rarely do you hear about possible defences available to people who have committed a crime with reasonable justification for their actions. The ...

By |June 4, 2023|White Collar Crime Articles|0 Comments

How to Hire the Best Ottawa Impaired Driving Lawyer

OTTAWA CRIMINAL DEFENCE LAWYER – It doesn’t matter which alcohol-related criminal offence you are charged with – whether it’s Over 80, Impaired Driving, or Sample Refusal. Being charged with any of these crimes is extremely stressful. You probably don’t even want to think about searching for the best lawyer, but ...

By |June 3, 2023|Articles|0 Comments

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