Author: Richard Auger

How to take a lawyer’s personality into account when choosing an Ontario criminal defence lawyer

While a lawyer’s personality may not seem to be an important thing to consider when choosing an Ontario criminal defence lawyer for your case, it is important to take a few things about their personality into account.  Of course, a lawyer’s personality is not the first or the most important ...

By |June 5, 2023|Articles, Choosing A Lawyer|0 Comments

Lengthy Jail Sentence for Inside Trader

A thirty-nine month prison sentence was issued following Canada’s first ever criminal conviction for insider trading under the Criminal Code of Canada.  The accused plead guilty in November 2009 and was sentenced in January 2010. The accused and his co-accused who went to law school together began an insider trading scheme ...

By |June 4, 2023|Impaired Driving Articles|0 Comments

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