Can Canada Revenue Agency Employees be Charged with Ontario Fraud?

Criminal Defence » White Collar Crime Articles » Can Canada Revenue Agency Employees be Charged with Ontario Fraud?
By Published On: June 2, 2023

OTTAWA CRIMINAL DEFENCE LAWYER – Alleged fraud in Ontario is often detected by agencies such as the Canada Revenue Agency or the Canada Anti-Fraud Centre, before it is reported to authorities and charges are laid.

It’s fair to ask, then: if I am an employee of the Canada Revenue Agency, or a similar government agency tasked with preventing white collar crime, is there a chance I can avoid charges, or be given special treatment during my prosecution?

No Special Protection: Canada Revenue Agency Employee Faces Fraud Charges

In the CBC’s recent story, Canada Revenue Employee Faces Fraud Charges, we saw a great example of the answer – employees at the Canada Revenue Agency and other financial agency receive no special protection against fraud and related charges. If they are charged with fraud, they are prosecuted in the same fashion as any other worker would be.

In this case, the Canada Revenue Agency employee charged with fraud allegedly used his position within the agency to facilitate fraud – by advertising himself as a tax consultant.

This kind of misrepresentation can result in criminal charges and even a conviction – regardless of where you work. The individual charged in this story ended up with numerous serious charges:

  • Two counts of fraud over $5,000.
  • Breach of trust.
  • Secret commissions.
  • Uttering a Forged Document.

If you have been charged with any kind of fraud in Ontario, you need to get the best possible legal help. A top criminal lawyer can inform you of what consequences you may face, and more importantly, fight your charges in order to avoid them. For more information, contact the Ottawa lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth by email [email protected] or by phone at (613) 699-8192.

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