What you should know about Ontario criminal lawyer advertising

Criminal Defence » Articles » What you should know about Ontario criminal lawyer advertising
By Published On: June 20, 2011

Most lawyers advertise their legal services in one way or another.  Most use internet websites as a way of advertising and while this can be a great resource for individuals looking for a criminal lawyer, you have to be careful.  If you are looking for an Ontario criminal lawyer, you have likely been browsing various websites in search of the right lawyer for you.  You should be extra careful when you come across a lawyer directory website that claims it will help you find the right lawyer for your case.  Many of these sites look convincing and professional, but there are a few things you should be aware of.

Most, if not all, of the lawyer directory websites are privately run and are created in order to make a profit.  The lawyers whose names are included in the directory have paid to have their name there.  This does not indicate anything about their experience or expertise as a criminal lawyer.  Directory sites operate much like an online phone book directory.  The lawyers who pay more will have larger, more noticeable advertisements.  Many of these sites have a search engine where you can narrow your search based on certain keywords.  Keep in mind that the names that come up are the lawyers who have paid for their listing to appear based on those search terms.  While this is not all necessarily a bad thing, you should be aware of how the system works if you are going to use it.  Be aware that just because a lawyer’s listing is first in the list or is larger than others, it does not mean that they are the best lawyer for you.

Another kind of website you may come across is a referral site.  These sites ask you for detailed information about yourself and your case in order to put you in touch with a lawyer who matches the information you gave.  This system may sound like it would be accurate and find you the right lawyer but like directory sites, these sites aim to make money.  Lawyers pay to have their names referred to potential clients.  Again, this does not mean that you will get a lousy lawyer, but it also does not guarantee that you will find the best lawyer to represent you.

A third kind of website is a referral firm.  Of all of the kinds of websites that claim to help you find a lawyer, you should be most wary of this one.  On these sites, lawyers advertise legal services without intending to or being capable of providing those services to clients.  When an individual shows interest in the services being offered, the lawyer or referral firm sends the information to another lawyer or firm who can handle your case.  This way, you end up being in contact with a different lawyer than you thought.  Sometimes these referral sites charge people for their referral service, even though individuals don’t know that they are going to be referred in the first place.  Clearly these kinds of sites should be avoided because you just don’t know who will end up speaking with or who will represent you.

As you can see, not all lawyer advertising is good or tells you very much about the lawyers and their expertise and the services they provide.  Although these sites may be appealing and may seem to make the search for a criminal lawyer easier, it is best to avoid them.  You are the only person who can decide which lawyer is right for you.  Don’t leave that decision up to someone else.

How you might find good, honest criminal lawyer advertising

While you want to avoid using directory sites, referral firms and referral sites, you can still find good quality information on the internet; you just need to know how to find it!

When searching online, go directly to the lawyer’s website.  Look specifically for case results, client testimonials, and other kinds of helpful information in order to find out if that firm or lawyer is right for you.  It is also a good idea to take a look at the lawyer’s education, training and background.  Look for things like when they were admitted to the bar and where they have previously worked.  Ideally you should hire a lawyer with significant experience (at least ten years practicing criminal law).

If the lawyer has posted any articles, videos or other free resources on their website, take a look at them.  You don’t have to read everything in great detail, but it is worth spending a few minutes looking at what they have written or spoken about.  Remember that you will be spending a lot of time with your criminal lawyer so you want to hire someone that you can see yourself working with.

In addition to searching the internet for your criminal lawyer, ask friends, family, co-workers if they know any good lawyers that they have had a positive experience with.  Make sure that the lawyers they suggest work in the legal area that is relevant to your charges.

One way to know that a lawyer may be good is to assess the quality of their website content.  If a lawyer has put detailed information about themselves on a website and has included useful information, they are likely a reputable and serious criminal lawyer.   Also, educational content and free resources are also signs of a good lawyer.

If you are looking for an Ontario criminal lawyer to represent you, feel free to contact the defence attorneys at Auger Hollingsworth for a free consultation.


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