What Do I Do If I Think I Am Going To Be Charged?

Criminal Defence » Articles » What Do I Do If I Think I Am Going To Be Charged?
By Published On: April 1, 2011

If you think you might be charged by the police with a criminal offence, do not speak with the police.  You are not obligated to speak with the police, even if they try to convince you that you are.  You should call an experienced criminal defence lawyer immediately.  The first thing you need is sound legal advice.  Even if you have not yet been charged, even if you end up not being charged at all, seeking legal advice is never the wrong choice.  It can only benefit you to receive experienced legal advice.

It is important that you receive private, confidential legal advice if you think you are going to be charged with a criminal offence.  You may think that you can avoid charges, or that you will be fine to speak with the police on your own, but nothing can replace the individualized legal help of an experienced criminal defence lawyer.  Lawyers like those at Auger Hollingsworth know the law and they know the best steps to take in your particular case.  They have dealt with many cases, likely some similar to yours, and they can draw upon their experience and knowledge of the law and criminal process in order to help you.

If you suspect you are going to be charged, there are a few things you should not do.  Do not go to the police station without speaking to a lawyer first.  Do not answer any questions that the police or prosecuting lawyers ask you.  Also, do not speak with your friends or family about your potential charges.  Again, the first thing you should do is seek the advice of a criminal defence lawyer as soon as possible.  The sooner your lawyer speaks with you and starts to work on your case, the better.  Regardless of whether or not charges end up being laid against you, you will know that you did the best thing to protect yourself and in the event that you are charged with a criminal offence, you will have already done all you can to set yourself up for the best possible outcome.

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