What About Legal Fees?

Criminal Defence » Articles » What About Legal Fees?
By Published On: March 2, 2011

Hiring a lawyer can often be an expensive endeavour. While it is important for you to retain the services of a good criminal defence lawyer, it is also important for you to be able to afford such legal advice and services.

While the lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth don’t usually accept legal aid certificates, we are sensitive to the fact that most individuals cannot afford to pay thousands of dollars in legal fees. We understand that it is hard enough being charged with a criminal offence and dealing with the legal system, and we wouldn’t want finances to stand in the way of you and a good defence for your case.

We are open to discussing your case and circumstances with you in order to come to a fair retainer for new clients. We will also often agree to a payment plan where a client can pay for their legal fees over time. This allows the client to plan their finances without having to make significant immediate sacrifices. We understand that finances are often tight and that it can be difficult to find the extra money to pay for a lawyer. We will do all that we can to come up with an amount that you will be able to afford and budget for.

Legal fees are a common concern for individuals charged with a criminal offence and in some cases the financial aspect of hiring a lawyer may prevent some people from seeking legal advice. Rather than assuming that you cannot afford a good defence lawyer, speak with the lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth. It is in your best interest to find a good lawyer who will accommodate your financial situation as best they can, so that you can receive the defence you deserve.

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