The Police Want To Talk To Me, What Should I Do?

Criminal Defence » Articles » The Police Want To Talk To Me, What Should I Do?
By Published On: April 1, 2011

If the police contact you by telephone, it is important that you remain polite.  While it may be easy to become defensive or agitated when speaking to the police, it is your best interest to treat the police with respect and politeness.  In doing so; however, you do not have to answer their questions about your case, nor should you discuss your version of the events.  When on the phone with the police, tell them that you want to consult a lawyer and that you will call them back after doing so.  It is important that you do not speak with the police until you have received legal advice from an experienced criminal defence lawyer.

You may be a little wary or perhaps even frightened when the police call you.  Do your best to remain calm and remember that you do not have to speak with the police and you are entitled to speak to a lawyer.  They may encourage you to answer their questions, and reassure you that it is alright to tell your side of the story, because they are doing their job to investigate a crime and they are looking for certain information.  Remember that it is best if you refrain from speaking with the police until your lawyer advises you to do so.  Your criminal defence lawyer will be able to advise you on the steps to take next.  You do not have to deal with your criminal charges alone, and you don’t have to speak with the police alone either.  A good criminal defence lawyer will look out for your best interests and help you with what you should tell the police.

If you have been contacted by the police and are not sure what to do, seek the help of an experienced criminal defence lawyer.  The lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth will be able to discuss your case with you and will advise you about what to do next.  If the police contact you, remember to be calm, polite and immediately seek the help of a criminal defence lawyer who can help you with what to do from here.

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