Searching for an Ontario Impaired Driving Lawyer? Read This First!

Criminal Defence » Impaired Driving Articles » Searching for an Ontario Impaired Driving Lawyer? Read This First!
By Published On: November 25, 2010

OTTAWA CRIMINAL DEFENCE LAWYER – Being charged with an Ontario driving offence is serious and can cause a lot of stress. You’re probably overwhelmed by the prospect of searching for a lawyer, and more importantly, finding the best one to take on your case.

As an Ottawa lawyer with a long record of success in fighting impaired driving charges, over the years I have found some helpful strategies that smart people use to find the best impaired driving lawyers for their Ontario case.

You can read about a few of these tips in my new article: Three Questions to Ask BEFORE Hiring an Ottawa Impaired Driving Lawyer.

It’s important to remember that these three pointers are only a small component of the strategy you should be using to search for a top impaired driving defence lawyer. Your strategy should also include talking with friends and acquaintances for their recommendations. Another smart plan is to do very thorough research – both online and elsewhere – on each lawyer you are considering hiring for your case.

Have you been arrested and charged with an Ontario drinking and driving offence? The Ottawa impaired driving lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth are here to help you find the best possible legal representation for your case. Call us today at (613) 699-8192 or email us at [email protected].

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