If I am Being Audited by the Canada Revenue Agency, Do I Need a Lawyer?

Criminal Defence » Tax Evasion Articles » If I am Being Audited by the Canada Revenue Agency, Do I Need a Lawyer?
By Published On: June 5, 2023

OTTAWA CRIMINAL DEFENCE LAWYER – Tax evasion in Ontario is complicated in that you won’t be charged right away for an alleged offence. First, a national crown corporation called the Canada Revenue Agency will conduct an audit or investigation of your tax information in order to determine whether tax evasion may have actually taken place.

Ontario Tax Evasion Offence

One common question we hear is: “Do I need to get help from a criminal defence lawyer if I am being audited or investigated for an Ontario tax evasion offence?”

That’s a tricky question to answer because charges have not necessarily been laid yet. Why hire a criminal lawyer if you are not facing any charges under the Criminal Code of Canada? I wrote a new article to explain why you absolutely should get a criminal defence lawyer’s help at this stage in the process.

One mistake people make is that they believe their accountant can help them. This can be a fatal error. I have seen cases where the client’s accountant is forced to testify against the client.

You can read it here on the site: Canada Revenue Agency Investigations and Hiring an Ontario Criminal Lawyer.

Audit by the Canada Revenue Agency

An audit or investigation by the Canada Revenue Agency is to be taken seriously – it can be just as complex and stressful as many criminal investigations. Why not take some of the burden off of your own shoulders and let a top criminal lawyer help you fight the accusations early on?

Contact the Ottawa Criminal Defence Lawyers

If you are being investigated or audited by the Canada Revenue Agency for possible tax evasion, you need to get legal help from an Ontario criminal defence lawyer sooner rather than later. For more information, contact the Ottawa lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth by email [email protected] or by phone at (613) 699-8192.

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