How to Hire the Best Ottawa Impaired Driving Lawyer

Criminal Defence » Articles » How to Hire the Best Ottawa Impaired Driving Lawyer
By Published On: June 3, 2023

How to Hire the Best Ottawa Impaired Driving Lawyer

OTTAWA CRIMINAL DEFENCE LAWYER – It doesn’t matter which alcohol-related criminal offence you are charged with – whether it’s Over 80, Impaired Driving, or Sample Refusal. Being charged with any of these crimes is extremely stressful. You probably don’t even want to think about searching for the best lawyer, but the truth is, this search is extremely important!

Finding the best criminal lawyer for your case is all about research, and asking yourself important questions. In this article I will share some of the most important questions to ask before hiring a criminal lawyer to fight your Ontario drinking and driving charges.

How many drinking and driving cases has this lawyer taken to trial?

Any accused hopes that they will not have to participate in a trial, but the truth is that many drinking and driving cases make it to this step – and you need a lawyer who will be prepared to win at trial. Avoid hiring a lawyer who does not have proven courtroom skills such as specialized cross-examination – these skills are crucial for your case’s success!

Do drinking and driving cases form a large component of this lawyer’s practice?

Some lawyers specialize in a different area of law and “dabble” in impaired driving. These are NOT the lawyers you want to hire for your case. Drinking and driving cases are a major focus of my criminal defence practice. Most of my cases are in this area – find a lawyer with a similar commitment to taking on impaired driving cases.

Does the lawyer thoroughly understand – and have experience using – the various defences and strategies for impaired driving cases?

There are many defences against impaired driving charges that can be employed here in Ontario, including applications under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Before you hire a criminal lawyer, make sure he or she has an up-to-date knowledge of these defences, as well as the experience and skills to apply them successfully.

Contact the Ottawa Criminal Defence Lawyers

Have you been arrested and charged with an Ontario drinking and driving offence? The Ottawa impaired driving lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth are here to help you find the best possible legal representation for your case. Call us today at (613) 699-8192 or email us at [email protected].

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