How Do I Know What My Bail Conditions Will Be?

Criminal Defence » Articles » How Do I Know What My Bail Conditions Will Be?
By Published On: April 1, 2011

How Do I Know What My Bail Conditions Will Be?

Before the bail conditions are proposed in court, and before you are in a position to formally agree to anything, you will go over them with your lawyer.  The criminal defence lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth make sure to thoroughly review the bail conditions with every client so that they understand what is being proposed and what they will be agreeing to.  It is important to know and understand the bail conditions that the Crown attorney has proposed.  This way, you will not be surprised when they are presented in court and you will understand what the Crown is proposing.

Once the Crown presents the bail conditions as they see fit, we will negotiate the most favourable conditions possible.  This negotiation between the Crown and the defence lawyers is important as it seeks to strike a balance between what the Crown thinks is appropriate and respecting your individual rights and freedoms.  The result is hopefully one that everyone agrees is fair and reasonable.  The lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth will work hard to ensure that your bail conditions are appropriate, fair and allow you as much freedom as possible.

Once the bail conditions are accepted in court, you will receive a document that outlines your bail conditions in detail.  This way, you will always know what your conditions are.  If you are ever unsure or forget certain conditions, you can refer to this document.  You should carry this document at all times.  It is important to follow all of the bail conditions and this document will make it easier for you to do so.

As you can see, the process by which bail conditions are proposed, negotiated and accepted, allows for your involvement and understanding prior to anything becoming legally binding.  You will be privy to the proposed bail conditions before having to accept them in court.  A good criminal defence lawyer will be sure to review all of the conditions with you.  In doing so, you will be able to comply with your conditions because you will have had the opportunity to discuss them with your lawyer and ensure that you understand them.  Adhering to all of your bail conditions is one way that you can increase your chances of achieving a successful outcome for your case.

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