Federal Court of Appeal Upholds Ruling in Favour of Jean Chretien

Criminal Defence » Public Inquiries » Federal Court of Appeal Upholds Ruling in Favour of Jean Chretien
By Published On: May 29, 2023

Federal Court of Appeal Upholds Ruling in Favour of Jean Chretien

In 2004 and 2005 I represented a key witness, Chuck Guité, before the Gomery Inquiry which was set up to investigate the Liberal Government’s “Sponsorship Program” which had been in effect during the decade prior.

The inquiry was very well-publicized, and it’s still making headlines today. Jean Chretien – a former Canadian Prime Minister and one of the witnesses who appeared before the commission – fought in court to have some parts of Justice John Gomery’s final report struck down because they made unverifiable claims about Chretien.

A 2008 ruling to strike down the passages in question was appealed by the Federal Government. This past week, the Federal Court of Appeal upheld the court’s decision – a major win for Chretien.

Insights into the Gomery Inquiry: A Criminal Defence Lawyer’s Experience and Expertise

To help provide some context for our readers, I’ve put together a new article explaining the Gomery Inquiry and providing some information about exactly how I was involved: An Ottawa Defence Lawyer’s Involvement in the Gomery Inquiry.

At Auger Hollingsworth, we are experts in public inquiry proceedings and all sorts of administrative law. Throughout my years as a criminal defence lawyer, working on these inquiries has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my professional career.

Are you being called to appear at a public inquiry, or are you involved in a different type of administrative law proceeding? It’s important that you get in touch with a top public inquiry lawyer who can help represent and advise you during the process. For more information, contact the Ottawa public inquiry lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth by email [email protected] or by phone at (613) 699-8192.

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