What if I Breach My Bail Conditions?

Criminal Defence » Assault Articles » What if I Breach My Bail Conditions?
By Published On: January 8, 2011

What if I Breach My Bail Conditions?

It is important to follow all of the bail conditions that are set once you have been granted bail.  Some of your conditions will be common to most individuals charged with the same criminal offence, and some might be particular to your situation.  Failure to comply with all of your bail conditions has serious consequences.

First, by breaching some or all of the conditions, you risk losing the privilege of being released on bail.  A Judge might order you to appear in Court and revoke your release, thereby placing you once again in police custody.  You may also be charged with additional criminal offences which can exacerbate the defence of your original charges.

The Consequences of Breaching Bail Conditions: Impact on Future Bail and Negotiations

Breaching your bail conditions can also reduce your chances of receiving bail if you are charged with another criminal offence in the future.  It can also negatively impact any negotiations your lawyer may enter into with the prosecution.  If you fail to follow all of your bail conditions, the prosecutor and Judge involved with your case will be less likely to exercise leniency.

It is in your favor, regardless of how difficult or unfair your bail conditions may seem, to follow them all and comply with the law.  On rare occasions, individuals accidentally breach their bail conditions or are in a situation where they have no choice but to temporarily break them.

Although these circumstances are rare, they are possible. If you think you are in a situation like this, discuss it promptly with your defence lawyer.  An intentional breach of bail conditions has serious consequences for you and for the success of your criminal case.  It is always best to comply with the conditions laid out by the Judge at the time of your bail hearing in order to assist your lawyer in achieving a positive outcome in your case.

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