Can My Accountant Help Me With My Income Tax Evasion Charges?

Criminal Defence » Articles » Can My Accountant Help Me With My Income Tax Evasion Charges?
By Published On: June 2, 2023

Can My Accountant Help Me With My Income Tax Evasion Charges?

While it may seem as though your accountant would be able to help you face tax evasion charges, it is important that you stop talking with your accountant immediately. If you are charged with income tax evasion do not discuss your case with your accountant.

Although you may have had a good relationship with your accountant, it is important that you do not discuss your charges with him or her. This is because your accountant could potentially unwillingly become a witness against you in court. If this happens, you don’t want them to have anything to say against you.

Protecting Confidentiality: Limiting Communication with Accountants in Criminal Cases

The Canada Revenue Agency or the prosecutors can use your accountant as a witness in court. In fact, your accountant could be compelled to be a witness for the prosecutors, even if he or she doesn’t want to. If called as a witness, your accountant would have to honestly answer all of the prosecutor’s questions and will be required to tell the court everything that you shared with him or her. This could potentially damage your case so it is important that you do not give any information about your charges or your case to your accountant.

If you are charged with income tax evasion, the first thing you should do is enlist the help of an experienced criminal defence lawyer. If your accountant is interested in your case and wants to know details, even if they offer their “help”, it is best if you politely tell them that you are unable to discuss your case with them. It is possible that you will be able to resume contact with your accountant at a later date, but until your lawyer advises you in this way, refrain from discussing your case with your accountant. This is one way that you can do all that you can to ensure your defence is as strong as possible.

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