Arrested for Impaired Driving in Ontario? Write Down Your Story ASAP!

Criminal Defence » Impaired Driving Articles » Arrested for Impaired Driving in Ontario? Write Down Your Story ASAP!
By Published On: June 9, 2023

Arrested for Impaired Driving in Ontario

OTTAWA CRIMINAL DEFENCE LAWYER – If you are arrested for Impaired Driving, Over 80, or Sample Refusal in Ontario, the police will take you off the road and to a police station.

After you’re released from the police station, your first instinct might be to tell your family or close friends the “whole story” of your ordeal. As a criminal defence lawyer who has handled many driving offence cases, I can give you some important advice: keep your recollection of the events private, and discuss it only with your lawyer.

Detailed notes about the incident

Instead of retelling the story verbally, to a friend or family member, you would be wise to write detailed notes about the incident. It’s important to include these crucial details:

  • Which foods you ate on the day of the event (and when you ate them), as well as any alcoholic beverages you consumed.
  • Where and when you were pulled over and arrested.
  • Who was with you at the time (include their names and telephone numbers).
  • What was said between yourself and the police, at the roadside and on the way to the station.
  • Whether or not you had access to a phone at the time of the arrest.
  • The type of tests that were administered, and when (e.g. was a breathalyzer used?)

These notes give you an opportunity to organize your memories of the incident, and they also provide you and your lawyer with a valuable reference for building your defence.

Have you been arrested and charged with an Ontario driving offence? Another early step you should take is contacting an experienced criminal defence lawyer, who can help you proceed with your case. For more information, contact the Ottawa lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth by email [email protected] or by phone at (613) 699-8192.

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